How to Get Body Odor Out of Clothes

Anyone can develop an odor and even spread it into their clothes, and lifting the odor from your cloth is not impossible, but you’ve got to put more effort into getting it out. 

And a regular washing cycle is not enough to get the odor out of the clothes because they have to be treated. There are several treatment procedures mapped out in this article to help you get body odor out of clothes in no time.

10 Ways to Get Body Odor (BO) Out of Clothes

People worry now and then about how they smell, to themselves and others because clothes can develop an odor over time, especially the underarm area, and the offending odor will build up as they sweat over the clothes. 

People who sweat a lot go to lengths to avoid gym, parties, social functions or certain work situations that would probably make them sweat some more. 

Thankfully, getting the body odor out of clothes doesn’t require some expensive procedure rather, household ingredients can do the trick. Here are ten ways you can get body odor out of clothes below. 

1. White Vinegar

Vinegar is an effective odor neutralizer that is powerful in lifting stains and odor from your clothes. Vinegar keeps the cloth smelling fresh and it also helps remove the detergent and hard water residue built over time on your clothes. Here is a step-by-step guide to using white vinegar to get body odor out of clothes below:

Step 1: If there’s a sweat stain on the cloth, use soak a cotton wool ball with white vinegar and dab on the stain

Step 2: Make a solution by adding a quarter cup of white vinegar to a basin of water. Put the smelly cloth into the basin and allow it to soak for about 30 minutes. 

Step 3: After this, wash the cloth with a laundry detergent either by hand or with a washing machine.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda works its magic in lifting stains and odor from clothes. Its alkaline properties neutralize the sweat acidic odor embedded in the fabric; baking soda is the ticket to fresh-smelling clothes. Here’s how to use baking soda to get rid of body odor below: 

Step 1: Mix baking soda and water to form a paste; you could also add dishwashing soap if you desire. 

Step 2: smear the paste over the affected area and allow it to sit for thirty minutes. Rinse and launder as usual.

You must test the mixture in an inconspicuous area of the clothing to check for discoloration before applying.

3. Lemon Juice

When life throws a lemon at you, use it to get rid of the odor in your cloth. Lemon juice contains a high content of citric acid and citric acid kills the bacteria, causing the offending odor and leaving your cloth smelling nice and fresh. Here’s how to use lemon juice below:

Step 1: Mix lemon juice with water to form a solution. Turn the cloth inside out and soak it in the liquid for at least an hour.

Step 2: After this, wash the cloth with a laundry detergent either by hand or with a washing machine. If the smell persists, repeat the soaking process and let it stay for a longer time.

4. Aspirin and Cream of Tartar

Aspirin also has properties that can break down odor and stains. Here’s how to use aspirin and cream of tartar to get rid of body odor below: 

Step 1: Mix three pieces of a white uncoated aspirin tablet, with half a cup of water and a tablespoonful of cream of tartar.

Step 2: Apply the solution directly onto the underarm area of the cloth and any other affected area.

Step 3: Scrub the solution into the cloth with a toothbrush. Allow the solution to sit on the clothing for thirty minutes after scrubbing.

Step 4: Wash and rinse your clothes. Repeat the process if there are any lingering stains or odors.

5. Mouthwash

Yes, mouthwash can also kill the odor-causing bacteria on your clothing. Here’s how to use mouthwash to get rid of body odor below: 

Step 1: Turn the cloth inside out and place it on a flat surface. Pour some mouthwash onto the underarm area of the cloth and any other affected area.

Step 2: Leave it to sit on the fabric for thirty minutes. Put your cloth in the washing machine to be laundered.

Note: Before you go ahead with this method, you should test it first on an inconspicuous part of the cloth.

6. Spray With Vodka

If the smell on the clothes has an extra-strong odor, spraying the clothes with clear vodka works well. Here’s a simple guide on how to use vodka to get rid of the sweat smell: fill a spray bottle with plain unflavored vodka and spray your clothes. After spraying, leave the clothes out to dry.

7. Sunlight

Exposing clothes with an odor to direct sunlight helps kill the bacteria causing the odor. Sunlight has a natural odor removing power, and it works magic on fabrics like cotton. Here’s how to go about it below: 

Step 1: Turn the cloth inside out and place it on a table or any flat surface. Pour some detergent directly onto the stain and allow it to sit for a few minutes.

Step 2: Brush the detergent into the cloth using a toothbrush. Rinse the cloth under cool running water. Put the cloth outside to dry. Avoid putting the cloth in the dryer, as it might cause the smell to set into the clothing.

8. Rubbing Alcohol

Isopropyl is also known as rubbing alcohol rids your clothes and even shoes of its odor. Rubbing alcohol is the best solution to body odor, especially for active people. Here’s how to use rubbing alcohol to get rid of body odor below:

Step 1: Pour some rubbing alcohol into a basin. Soak the cloth in the alcohol for an hour.

Step 2: Rinse under cold running water. Place the cloth in your washing machine, using your regular detergent.


Wash the cloth and rinse with cool water and dry the cloth, preferably air-drying. Spray rubbing alcohol directly into the underarm area of the cloth and every other affected area whenever you want to use the cloth.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is not only effective at removing stains but also at lifting odor from your clothes; it brightens clothes and kills the odor-causing bacteria to remove the odor.

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic liquid with bleaching features that can clean stains and make your clothing odor-free. Here’s how to use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of body odor below:

Step 1: Fill a basin with enough water to soak the cloth and pour a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the water.

Step 2: Turn the cloth inside out and soak it in the solution for an hour. Rinse the cloth in cool water. Wash the cloth as usual with laundry detergent. Rinse and air dry. 

10. Soda Ash

Soda ash, also known as washing soda, is another effective odor remover. Here’s how to use soda ash to get rid of body odor below:

Step 1: Pour a quarter of soda ash (specifically sodium carbonate, and not sodium bicarbonate) into a container and mix with water to make a paste. Ensure that you are wearing gloves because they might irritate the skin.

Step 2: Smear the paste onto the smelly areas of the cloth and allow it to sit on the cloth for about thirty minutes.

Step 3: Scrub the mixture into the cloth with a toothbrush and rinse in cool water. Wash the cloth as usual and air-dry

How To Get Body Odor Out Of Clothes Without Washing

Sometimes, you want to get the body odor out of clothes without washing them, or after carefully washing your clothes, the body odor can still linger and you need to get them out. Here are a few tips to try:

Use Scented Oils

When storing your clothes after washing, you can use scented oils like lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil to give off sweet fragrances. You can keep your clothes smelling nice and fresh by using drawer liners, light perfumes, etc., and storing them in a well-ventilated space.


We agree that the reason your clothes are smelly in the first place is because of the heat, which the sun produces. But, what better way to handle something the sun caused if not to let it correct it? 

What I mean is: you can leave the smelly clothes in the sun for some time and the clothes will smell fresh in no time. 

Use Ice

This is an alternative method for you if you have issues with streaming your clothes. However, using ice isn’t as effective as steaming is plus, it takes longer to pull off. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use ice to get rid of the body odor: put the smelly clothes in a polythene bag and close tightly. Place the bag in a bowl of ice or the freezer for as long as you want. 

Note: If you won’t be using the cloth soon, you can leave the clothes for a couple of days before taking them out.

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