How to Remove Spaghetti Sauce Stains From Clothes

As much as we try to be careful when eating or preparing meals, it is very common for food to end up splashing on clothes or even causing unwanted stains here and there. Many times, we think that the stained piece of fabric cannot be recovered. Can spaghetti sauce stains be removed? Yes! They’re very fixable.

10 Ways to Remove Spaghetti Sauce Stains From Clothes

Check out our tips and tricks on how to get rid of spaghetti sauce stains, including how to remove tomato sauce stains from white clothes or any other type of fabric.

1. Remove Excess Stain

It is ideally better to act as soon as possible when the sauce stain is still fresh. That way, dirt won’t soak into the fabric fibers as much as it would normally do.

The first step is to remove the excess stain with a paper towel, napkin, or even a spoon. Make smooth movements, being careful not to spread it further to unaffected parts.

2. Turn The Piece Inside Out And Run Under Running Water

The next step is to turn your clothes inside out, take them to the sink or faucet and let the stained area receive running water (the water must be really cold). The movement of the water will help to remove the sauce from the fibers.

3. Apply Detergent

Apply some dishwashing detergent to the stain, rubbing gently in a circular motion. The product tends to show good results, as it has the power to break down fat molecules.

If the dirt doesn’t subside, repeat the process with regular soap or laundry detergent.

4. Wash As Usual

Once the stain is gone, just wash as normal and as recommended by the product label, either by hand or in the machine. you can also apply a fabric softener to make the process easier.

We also need to acknowledge the fact that we don’t always have the necessary availability resources and time to sanitize the clothes as soon as the stain happens. So it is recommended that you just do all you can and wait till you can work on the stains properly and accordingly.

How To Remove Spaghetti Sauce Stains From Clothes Effectively

We all know how most spaghetti sauce and ingredients including the most dominant ones like tomato sauce or ketchup paste. So there’s no way we will discuss spaghetti sauce stain without adding tomato sauce stain to the mix.

1. Learn How To Remove Tomato Sauce Stains With Bicarbonate

If you follow most of our articles at Tender Touch Laundry, you’ll already know by now that baking soda can be used for multiple purposes.

 When it comes to removing stains and cleaning clothes, the product brings excellent results without damaging the garments and the same goes for tomato sauce stains.

If the stain is large and widespread, soak the garment in a bowl of ice water. If the stain is small, just moisten the area with water.

Then, use a container to prepare a solution of bicarbonate and water in equal parts in a container or bowl.

Then, just apply the mixture to the stain and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Rinse and finish everything by doing the normal wash after which you spread it outside to air-dry.

2. Acetone In Cleaning

Acetone can be dissolved in water and is a solvent that removes oily stains from some tough fabrics. So you can rub a cotton swab or towel with acetone over the stain.

But, never use acetone on modacrylic, acetate, or triacetate clothing. Acetone dissolves these materials, which will no longer be stained, but the fabric will likely be damaged if not applied well.

3. Potato Water

Rub the outside of a large potato to remove any surface dirt or debris. Then, cut the potato in half and rub the cut end of the vegetable on the tomato sauce stain.

Then soak the stained clothing in cold water and let it soak for about an hour. Wash the clothes as you would normally do afterward.

4. Using Hydrogen Peroxide (10 Volumes)

As is well known, hydrogen peroxide is a very powerful substance, that is used to remove other dark marks on clothes, such as blood and wine stains.

Remember to always choose a small hidden spot in your clothes and test it with the product to check for possible damage.

5. Lemon With Salt

Squeeze the juice of a lemon directly onto the stain, then pour in the salt. Gently rub the lemon juice and salt into the stain and rinse with water. Repeat this process until you’re satisfied with the result.

Once this is done, hang the clothes on the line to dry. After waiting for the necessary time, evaluate the stain and, if you see that the stains are still present on your clothing, put your clothes in the washing machine.

Be careful as lemon and salt can be great for a variety of stains on various fabrics. However, using them improperly can cause stains and damage instead of removing them.

6. Banana Oil

Banana oil is a bleach that can eliminate the most stubborn stains, especially spaghetti/tomato sauce stains, without using chlorine. Therefore, the product is safe for most fabrics, from hand washable to synthetics.

It is also recommended for cleaning and removing odors from diapers and baby clothes. Dilute some of the oil in water, apply and wait for five minutes. Then remove the product with a sponge or brush.

7. Sodium Sulfate

If some spaghetti sauce has dripped onto your clothes and has already dried up, use sodium sulfate diluted in water. The product is oxidizing and will not remove the stain, but it will radically lighten up the damage.

Therefore, sodium sulfate should not be used in dark colors. Also, be careful with organic fibers like wool or silk. Some oxidants can weaken them and even dissolve them.

8. Talc For Cleaning

Talc helps to soften the spaghetti stain and is useful in emergencies, using the talc will absorb most of the oil, which makes it easier to remove dirt.

Cornstarch and salt can also serve as an alternative to talc. Salt is even easier to clean. First, remove excess oil from the stain with a paper towel.

Then, spread the talcum powder evenly on the stain and let it sit for a few hours. Then remove the dust with the help of a spatula or spoon.

As soon as you remove the talc, add a drop of mild soap to the stain. Gently scrub in circular motions with a wet toothbrush. Then put the clothes in the wash, and launder them as you normally will.

9. White Vinegar

Vinegar is a kitchen item widely used in various types of cleaning.

In addition to helping to remove the spaghetti stain more easily, white vinegar eliminates unpleasant smells. So make a solution with half a liter of water and a teaspoon full of white vinegar.

Then dip the stained part in the mixture and leave it for a few hours. Then use a brush with washing powder and water to remove the vinegar afterward.

10. Vinegar And Bicarbonate

To remove stains, soak the clothing in vinegar for 30 minutes, then wash. If you’re seeing signs of staining after washing, make a paste with an equal quantity of vinegar and baking soda.

If the stain persists, place a few tablespoons of vinegar and laundry detergent in a bucket of water and leave the garment there for a few hours.

How To Remove Spaghetti Sauce Stain From White Clothes?

White clothes seem to have a magnet for different types of stains, don’t they? The stain is more evident and cleaning seems to become more complicated.

The first step towards salvaging the situation is to remove the excess sauce with a paper towel or a spoon, then use a stain remover and wash afterward. If the stain remains, then repeat the process.

You can also apply the hydrogen peroxide trick mentioned above, which can still be replaced by white vinegar. Here, remember to apply the products with cotton and rub with a soft sponge. Also, test the “reaction” of the clothing in a very small spot on your fabric.

Opting For A Good Stain Remover Product

Moisten the area, apply a solution of powdered bleach + water (if the clothing tag allows the product to be used!), and wait for 5 minutes.

If the clothes don’t tolerate cleaning with bleach, make a paste with washing powder + water or even opt for liquid soap. Rub with a soft brush, rinse and wash normally afterward.

Finally, it is worth noting that any homemade stain removal trick requires a lot of care. Care must be taken to prevent the products from ending up taking more than the desired dirt, causing fading, discoloration, and damage to the fibers of the clothes.

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