Best Setting To Wash White Clothes

White clothes are very striking because of their color. The only problem is keeping whites white can be hard work. They are prone to stains and discolorations, and washing them wrong can cause them to lose their colors.  Meanwhile, the main reason whites start to look dull is due to incorrect washing settings. Read on for the right setting and tips to wash your whites 

What is the Best Temperature Setting To Wash White Clothes? 

Hot water wash is your best friend for keeping your clothes white and clean. But, you also need to consider how delicate your clothes are and check your fabric label for best practices. If your white is delicate, you may need to ditch the hot water for warm or cold water. Thick and heavy white clothes like towels and bedding, on the other hand, are best washed in hot water. 


  • Wash white clothes like your t-shirts and bedsheets in a temperature setting of at least 60oC. 
  • Wash delicate white clothes at a temperature of 30oC to 40oC. 

What is The Best Wash Setting For Your Whites?

The best wash setting will depend on the fabric type too. For delicate clothes: use the delicate or gentle cycle for the best results. You can wash more resistant fabrics like cotton and linen in the gentle cycle. Sturdy and soiled clothes, on the other hand, will wash better with the extended cycle. 

Steps To Wash Your Whites

Here are some of the steps you need to consider when washing your whites: 

1: Sort and Separate White Clothes

The first step to washing your white clothes is to sort them out from other colors. Washing whites with colored clothes can transfer colors that may leave permanent discolorations on your clothes. So make sure you separate your white clothes from colored and dark ones before loading the machine. 

2: Sort By Fabric Type

Once you’ve sorted by color, you must also sort your whites by fabric type because different fabric materials may need different wash settings. So set apart the delicate whites like lingerie, silk, and spandex, from the sturdy whites like towels and beddings. Also, separate the soiled whites from the lightly dirty whites. 

3: Use The Hottest Water Your Fabric Can Withstand

The best water temperature for your whites is the hottest temperature your fabric can withstand. Hot water prevents whites from fading and also kills bacteria and germs. 

Usually, sturdy and heavily soiled clothes can be washed in hot water. Wash your linens in lukewarm water, while delicate clothes are better washed in cold water because lycra and spandex may shrink in hot water.

Ensure you adjust the temperature setting as needed by the fabric type to prevent damage. 

4. Check To See If Your Clothes Can Withstand Bleach 

Read the fabric label on your clothes to confirm if the material can be bleached or not. Some bleaching label signs include: 

  • Triangle with diagonal lines: This means you can use non-chlorine bleach on the clothes. 
  • Black triangle with lines across it: this indicates that you should not bleach the item. 

5. Don’t Use More Detergent Than Recommended 

Add the right amount of detergent to your load for the best results. Using too much detergent can cause buildup, leaving residue on your white clothes and attracting more dirt. 

Tips To Properly Wash White Clothes

If you have a lot of white clothes and bedding, it’s essential to keep these tips in mind for perfect laundry. 

1: Attack Stains Immediately 

Attacking stains on your white clothes as it happens is a great way to ensure the stain doesn’t set in. Whether it’s an oil stain, sweat stain, or paint stain, ensure you remove the stain immediately it happens. 

2. Avoid Using Bleach Except On Cotton

Chlorine bleach is a good choice to whiten clothes, but it is best for white cotton clothes only. This is because bleach sometimes contains additives that may weaken fabrics or even cause discoloration. You can substitute bleach with household items that make whites whiter. Some include lemon juice, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda. 

3. Don’t Overload The Machine

When washing your whites, avoid overloading the machine to get the best cleaning results. Overloading the machine will leave little room for your clothes to move while washing. This means there won’t be enough space for the cloth to clean and flush out dirt. 

4: Dry Under Sun When Possible

While dark clothes don’t do well under the sun, white clothes are the opposite; they flourish in the sun. Consider spreading your whites under the sun if you have enough outdoor space. 

5. You Can Add Bluing Agents

Bluing agents contain blue dyes that help whiten and brighten your whites. You can add a little amount to your wash cycle to whiten your clothes. 

How Often Should You Wash White Clothes?

It’s best to wash your white clothes after every wash to keep them white. Also, remember to wash your clothes separately from other clothes to prevent color transfer. 

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