10 Ways to Stretch Out Jeans

Every once in a while in the lifetime of a jean—after a wash and dryer cycle—they get too snug that you would just need some breathing room, no matter how little. 

Luckily, there are different ways you can stretch out your jeans to see that they aren’t too snug and give the right fit.

How To Stretch Out Jeans Without Sewing

Usually, when jeans can’t fit, the next thing most people do is jump around while trying the jean on, so that it fits. 

While this activity might work for them, there are even better ways to get your jean to fit and yes, it has nothing to do with jumping around in your room. Here are ten ways to stretch out jeans below: 

1: Use a Hairdryer 

Using a hairdryer to stretch your jeans is one easy way of fitting them into your jeans. I remember trying this particular method out myself because I completely doubted it at first, but it really works! Here is a simple guideline to follow when using a hairdryer to stretch your jeans below: 

Step 1: Lay your jeans on a flat surface then plug your hairdryer into an electric source. Set your hairdryer at about 5-6 inches away from the jeans, and switch it on, moving slowly but continuously to heat up all areas of the jeans.

Step 2: Flip the jean and do the same for the flip side, use your hands, pull the jeans from opposite sides from top to bottom; insert both arms inside each leg of the denim, and stretch as wide as you can.

Note: When doing this, if the Jean starts to cool off, repeat the hairdryer procedure.

2. Use Warm Water

Using warm water to stretch your jeans works like magic, especially for denim jeans. Here is a simple guideline to follow when using a hairdryer to stretch your jeans: fill up a bucket with warm water and then put your pair of jeans, leaving them to soak for a while. Do some stretching afterward.

An easier way to do this is to use the spray bottle technique. Here’s how to go about it: fill up a spray bottle with warm water and spray the jeans in sections.

After making each area damp, lay the jeans on the floor and use your legs to press the waist section of the jeans, hold the legs with your hands and pull as much as you can. Then flip the jean over, and using your legs, hold down the legs of the jeans and pull the waist section upward.

3. Use Salt

Did you know that salt is an important ingredient in stretching your jeans? It is also quite an effective one, Although you would be needing some solar energy to go with it. 

Here is a simple guideline to follow when using salt to stretch your jeans: fill up a spray bottle with salt and lukewarm water and sprinkle it generously on your jeans. Put on your jeans and take a stroll in the sun until the jean dries up on your body. 

Note: While on your stroll, don’t forget to do some simple exercises like squats and a few stretches. 

4. Use Vodka

If you don’t feel comfortable using salt to stretch your jeans, you may want to consider using vodka. Here is a simple guideline to follow when using vodka to stretch your jeans: fill up a spray bottle with vodka and sprinkle it generously on your jeans.

Then put on your jeans and take a stroll in the sun until the jean dries up on your body. Before the jean dries out, do some simple exercises like squats and a few stretches. 

5. Use Hot Steam

One trick with stretching jeans is using heat because it makes it easier to stretch them. So another technique is using hot steam. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use hot steam to stretch jeans below: 

Step 1: In a spray bottle add warm water and spray over the jeans, when damp, spread the jean on the ironing table.

Step 2: Use the heating iron to steam all areas of the jeans. When the jeans are almost dry, wear them and do some squatting or, just sit and wait for the jean to dry. 

6. Stretch Jeans In A Bathtub

This technique is quite unconventional but it works. It has worked for a lot of people and it can work for you too if you give it a trial. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to stretch jeans your jeans in a bathtub below: 

Step 1: Fill your bathtub with warm water then put on your jeans and sit in the tub for about 20 minutes while changing positions at intervals to aid stretching.

Step 2: Take off the jeans and shake out the water then place the jeans on a flat surface or use a hanger to dry them.

7. Shower in your jeans 

This method is similar to stretching your jeans in the tub. The only difference is that you don’t have to sit in the tub with the jeans. 

It only takes a few seconds to get wet but not drenched with your jeans on and running the shower over them. After wetting it, leave it on to dry. 

8. Stretch your jeans by Squatting 

Another way to stretch out your jeans a bit is by doing some squats. The best part? You will not only stretch your jeans but also perform a basic workout for yourself.

If you want to loosen up the waist of your tight jeans, you might not find this technique helpful. However, it has proven to be quite useful in stretching the hips and legs of denim jeans. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to go about it below: 

Step 1: Wet your jeans with enough water to make them damp, but not dripping wet.

Step 2: Stretch, squat, lunge, sit etc slowly and cautiously so you don’t rip your jeans. After squatting, let the jeans dry on you so they don’t shrink back.

Note: You can also wet them and stay sitting until they dry; our bodies expand the jean when seated.

9. Stretch Jeans Waist By Pulling

This method actually works but it requires a lot of strength. So, if your hands are strong enough, simply pull the waist of the jeans to increase the size by a couple of inches.

Before pulling, make sure the button of the jeans is in place, then put both of your hands inside the jean and stretch them as wide as you can. 

10. Wear them repeatedly

If wearing your jean and sitting in a bathtub, taking a stroll in the sun, or doing any of the other methods mentioned above is not your thing, then constantly wearing your jeans is your next option. 

The more you wear your jeans, the more it stretches. Sometimes, it may be challenging to fit into it, but as long as you can, keep wearing it. 

How To Stretch Out Jeans Waist and Thighs

Stretching out your jeans is a bit different from when you’re stretching from the waist and thighs. Here are a couple of methods you can try to stretch out your jeans from your waist and thighs below: 

1. Use A Wooden Hanger

Using a wooden hanger can help stretch out the waist of your jeans. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a wooden hanger to stretch out your jeans below: 

Step 1: Fill up a spray bottle with warm water and then put on your jeans. Spray the water on the waistband of the jeans and wet it thoroughly. 

Step 2: Take off the jeans and button them up then attach a hanger to both ends of the jeans then allow them to dry. 

2. Adding Extensions

Another way to easily stretch out your jean is to add extensions. The only challenge you might experience here is getting the right color that’ll match the color of your jeans. Here’s how to go about it below: 

Step 1: Make a slit along the side of the waistband and cut a piece of fabric that is more than twice the length of the cut-out.

Step 2: Fold the piece of fabric in half and place folded side up on the inside of the waist.

Step 3: Stretch the cut section of the waist out and use a sewing needle and thread or a sewing machine to tack the folded fabric to the waistline. This should hold it in place.
Note: If you have issues with this, feel free to give your jeans to a professional to help you with the entire process.

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