5 Ways to Get Fabric Softener Smell Out of Clothes

A fabric softener works by lining clothes fibers with a lubricant layer to soften the clothes. They are famous for having floral and fresh scents, which helps to market the products.

Fabric softeners can be very off-putting for people with multiple chemical sensitivities, other allergies, or people who can’t stand the smell of artificial or natural scents. The scent problem has led many to switch to fragrance-free fabric softeners.

However, some still use scented fabric softeners or thrift shoppers who want to know how to remove these scents from their clothes.

5 Ways to Remove Fabric Softener Smell from Clothes

There are easy methods to remove fabric softener smells with household items.

Air the Clothes

air your clothes

Fresh air is the best way to rid your clothes of smells. It has efficient deodorizing abilities known since the dawn of time before the invention of modern laundry practices. The best reason for airing the clothes is that it is inexpensive and effortless.

When you have clothes with disturbing fabric softener smells, whether the clothes are clean or not, hang them outside on a clothesline for hours. Also, avoid using a dryer after washing your clothes, especially if fabric softener is a part of your wash routine.

The best time to air the clothes is when the sun is out because direct sunlight will add cleaning and deodorizing abilities that will lead to better results.

There is no stipulated time frame for this process; however, leaving the clothes outside for extended periods will increase the chances of removing the fabric softener smell.

Many people don’t have access to a clothesline because of the nature of their living conditions; they may be living in an apartment building without backyard access. Another method of airing the clothes is hanging them on a dryer rack in a well-ventilated room.

Drain as much water from the clothes to ensure it is damp and not wet. Place the drying rack next to the window to receive direct sunlight. You can also place a dehumidifier or a fan next to the drying clothes in the room to increase the drying time.

Use Baking Soda & White Vinegar

Baking soda and white vinegar are effective cleaning agents. Many recipes for homemade detergents have these two as the main ingredients. However, they are also great deodorizers.

Baking soda will absorb smells from whatever item or surface you are treating, and brushing or washing away the baking soda will remove the fabric softener smell.

Vinegar functions similarly, but you should not mix it with detergents or bleach; it should be a replacement.

You should only use this method of removing fabric softener smells when dealing with mild scents; they may not be as effective on stronger ones.


  • Get a large bowl or bucket that can contain the number of clothes you want to treat.
  • Fill the bowl with cold water. Hot water might further set the smells on the clothes, and it may not be suitable for some fabrics.
  • Pour one cup of baking soda into the water and stir till it dissolves and homogenizes.
  • Submerge the clothes in the solution and let them soak for two hours or more, depending on the severity of the scent and your personal preference.
  • Squeeze the clothes to remove the excess water and place them into the washer without rinsing.
  • Pour a suitable laundry detergent into the washer. The baking soda residue on the clothes will boost the efficiency of the detergent.
  • During the rinse cycle, pour ½ a cup of white vinegar to strip away any remaining residue.
  • When the washing ends, remove the clothes from the washer immediately and air-dry them.

Washing Soda

washing soda

The first thing to know about washing soda is that it is not the same as baking soda; it is a different substance.

There are three ways washing soda functions as a cleaning agent.

  • It removes grease and stains from clothes, surfaces, utensils, cookware, plates, etc.
  • It binds to the minerals in hard water, softening it and allowing the detergent to function more efficiently.
  • It neutralizes strong smells in clothes and on surfaces.

These three powerful abilities make washing soda a crucial product in the cleaning industry.

Method 1:

  • Get a large bowl or bucket that can contain the number of clothes you want to treat.
  • Fill the bowl with warm water. Use cold water for colorfast clothes.
  • Pour two tablespoons of washing soda for every gallon of water. Use ½ cup if you’re soaking in a washing machine.
  • Submerge the clothes in the solution and let them soak for thirty minutes or more, depending on the severity of the scent.
  • Squeeze the clothes to remove the excess water and place them into the washer without rinsing.
  • Pour ½ cup of washing soda and a suitable laundry detergent into the washer.
  • After washing, air-dry the clothes under direct sunlight.

Method 2:

This method is for mild smells.

  • Pour a ¼ cup of washing soda and two cups of water into a bowl.
  • Stir till it dissolves, and transfer the mixture to a spray bottle.
  • Spray the clothes with the mixture and air-dry them.

Treat with Lemon Juice

The citric acid in lemon juice will break down stains and odors in clothes. When you treat fabric softener-smelling clothes with lemon juice, the milder smell of lemon will replace the disturbing scent of fabric softener.

Lemon juice is a bleaching agent; it is only suitable for white clothes to avoid discoloration.

Method 1:

  • Get a large bowl or bucket that can contain the number of clothes you want to treat.
  • Pour water into a pot and place it on high heat.
  • Cut six fresh lemons into smaller pieces – with the peels – and pour them into the water.
  • When the lemon water boils, pour it into the bowl.
  • Submerge the clothes into the hot lemon water and stir continuously for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Alternatively, leave the lemon water to continue boiling in the pot and place the clothes inside. Stir continuously for 15 minutes on low heat and then turn off the heat and leave the clothes in the pot till it cools.
  • Rinse the clothes under cold running water.
  • Transfer the clothes to the washer.
  • Pour ½ cup lemon juice and a suitable laundry detergent into the washer.
  • Air-dry the clothes after washing.

Method 2:

  • Place the clothes on a flat surface for better visibility.
  • Pour one cup of lemon juice, ¼ cup of salt or baking soda, and two cups of water into a spray bottle. Mix thoroughly.
  • Spray the clothes with the mixture and air-dry under direct sunlight.

Hand Wash with Castile Soap

Castile Soap

Castile soap can be in a bar or liquid form. It is a multi-functional biodegradable soap made from olive oil that gets its name from the Spanish town where the soap originates.

This soap will remove localized fabric softener smells from clothes, and you don’t have to worry about fabric damage or discoloration.

Because of its high pH, Castile soap will dissolve the minerals in hard water.


  • Fill a sizable bowl or bucket with room temperature water.
  • Grate some castile soap and pour it into the water. When the grated soap dissolves, it enhances the washing experience.
  • Soak your clothes in soapy water for 15 minutes and then start hand-washing, focusing on the areas where the smell is most felt.
  • Pour ½ cup of white vinegar inside the rinsing water and then rinse the clothes till there are no more soap suds.
  • Air-dry the clothes under direct sunlight.

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