How to Get Diesel Out of Clothes

Diesel stain seems impossible to remove because of its dark color, pungent odor, and inflammable characteristics. It absorbs into fabrics quickly upon spillage.

People that handle diesel regularly have various forms of protection against staining incidents. Despite taking every precaution, diesel stains can litter all over their clothes.

Removing the stains is a tad complicated. You need vigorous stain removal agents to remove diesel stains and odor while protecting the clothes’ fabric.

10 Ways to Get Diesel Out of Clothes

The procedure to remove diesel stains from clothes is straightforward.

  1. Treating the Stains

Search for the diesel stains on the clothing, including the tiny splatter. Hopefully, they’re still wet. Use a spoon, blunt knife, or cotton cloth to remove the excess stain carefully to avoid further spread.

Follow the specific instructions of each stain removal agent to treat the stains with a soft brush. If you follow the proper treatment technique, the diesel stain will dissolve and separate from the clothes, the diesel odor will neutralize, and you can clean it afterward.

However, perform a patch test in an inconspicuous part of the cloth to ensure the stain removal agent is not harmful to the clothes’ fabric.

  1. Rinsing or Soaking the Stains

After successfully treating the stains, rinse them with cold or warm water, depending on the instructions of the stain removal agent and the fabric’s care label. Take care to prevent transferring the stain to other parts of the clothes.

Some stain removal agents require soaking for them to be effective. The length of soaking time varies, from a few minutes to a few hours, and at times, the soaking has to happen overnight.

  1. Washing & Drying the Clothes

Immediately wash the clothes after successfully removing the diesel stains to remove the leftover diesel residue and the stain removal agents.

Leaving the stain removal agents on the clothes for a long time can cause damage to the clothes.

You can either machine wash or hand wash the clothes.

These 10 Items will Effectively Remove Diesel Stains from Clothes.

Some of these items are commercial products, while others combine several cleaning agents and deodorizers. Do not mix these items with bleach or add bleach during the stain removing process. It will create toxic and damaging fumes.


Ammonia is a regular household cleaning agent that is powerful and multifunctional.

There are two different kinds of ammonia; clear or non-sudsing ammonia – without soap – and sudsing ammonia –with soap. Non-sudsing ammonia is preferable when removing diesel stains.


  • Fill a large basin, bucket, bathtub, or washing machine with warm or hot water and a cup of ammonia. Make sure there is a lid cover.
  • Submerge the stained clothes in the mixture and leave them to soak for at least seven hours.
  • Afterward, wash the clothes thoroughly to remove the diesel residue and ammonia smell.


As weird as it sounds, mouthwash is very effective in removing diesel stains and especially diesel odor from clothes. Mouthwash has significant deodorizing properties; getting one that contains alcohol will do the trick.


  • Use cotton balls or cotton cloth to blot out the excess diesel on the clothes.
  • Pour a generous amount of mouthwash into the stained areas and leave it to soak for 15 minutes.
  • Place the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.
  • Alternatively, place the stained clothes in the washer and pour the mouthwash with the laundry detergent.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are powerful natural stain removers, degreasers, and deodorizers.

Individually, baking soda and vinegar can do the job, but diesel stains require an ultra-powerful item. A combination of these items will create that ultra-powerful diesel stain removing agent.


  • Remove the excess spills on the clothes with cotton balls or a cotton cloth.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the stained areas and leave it to sit for a couple of minutes.
  • Pour vinegar afterward on top of the baking soda.
  • Leave the treatment to sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash the clothes into the washer.

Baking Soda and Coca Cola

The acidic and carbonation properties of Coca-Cola make it a good degreasing agent, which will be practical in removing diesel stains. However, you will need a large amount, especially with many diesel stains.

Making a mixture with baking soda will make it a more efficient and economical stain removal agent.


  • Pre-soak the stained clothes in a tub, basin, or bowl filled with water and regular laundry detergent or degreaser.
  • Drain the water from the basin and refill with clean water.
  • Pour a liter of Coca-Cola and a box of baking soda into the water.
  • Submerge the clothes and leave them to soak for at least 10 hours.
  • Afterward, wash the clothes in the washer.

Rubbing Alcohol and Baking Soda

Rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly, making it great for removing diesel stains from clothes. Paired with baking soda, which extracts stains and smells, rubbing alcohol becomes more powerful.

This combination is similar to the baking soda and vinegar mixture.


  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the stained areas and leave it to sit for five minutes.
  • Pour rubbing alcohol on the baking soda.
  • Leave the treatment to soak for 15 to 20 minutes, then gently scrub the stains with a soft brush.


Oxi-clean is an impressive and popular stain remover and degreaser. It is simple and efficient in removing diesel stains and odors from clothes. 

Check if you have the appropriate Oxi-clean for your stained cloth to avoid color bleeding accidents.


  • Remove the excess diesel stains with a spoon or cotton cloth.
  • Pour liquid Oxi-clean or powdered Oxi-clean mixed with cold water on the stains.
  • Gently scrub the stains with a soft brush and then rinse the areas with cold water.
  • Wash the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.

Enzyme-Based Stain Remover

Laundry products containing enzymes target specific stains and act to remove them. An efficient stain remover with enzymes as the active agent will successfully remove every trace of diesel stains from clothes.

Follow the instructions on the clothes’ care label and perform a patch test to avoid damage to the clothes.


  • Remove the excess diesel stains with a spoon or cotton cloth.
  • Pour an efficient enzyme-based stain remover on the stained areas of the clothes.
  • Gently scrub the stains with a soft brush, then carefully rinse to prevent spread.
  • Wash the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.

Fast Orange

Fast Orange is the go-to product for mechanics and technicians when removing grease from their hands or clothes. There are two kinds of Fast Orange; ensure to get the smooth version as the second one damages clothes.

If you’re adventurous, add washing soda to the Fast Orange when removing diesel stains.


  • Use cotton balls or a cotton towel to blot out excess diesel spills from the clothes.
  • Mix ½ a cup of washing soda and a tablespoon of Fast Orange to make a paste.
  • Gently work the paste into the stained areas with your finger or a soft brush.
  • Wash the clothes in the washer with laundry detergent.
  • Alternatively, wash the clothes in the washer without spot treating and pour a tablespoon of Fast Orange with the detergent.

Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquids also work on clothes to remove grease stains like diesel stains, leaving them smelling fresh and clean.

Ensure to get the correct dishwashing liquid that won’t cause damage to the clothes. Run a patch test to be extra sure.


  • Fill a suitable basin or bathtub with cold water and pour in a healthy amount of dishwashing liquid.
  • Submerge the stained clothes into the soapy mixture and leave them to soak for at least 12 hours.
  • After soaking, place the clothes into the washer with an efficient laundry detergent.

Eucalyptus Oil

The saying “oil attracts oil” applies to eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus oil has many medicinal and cosmetic properties, it is also a great degreaser and deodorizer.

This oil works mainly with natural fibers like cotton and wool, eliminating the diesel stains and smells. However, it doesn’t work with synthetic fabrics.


  • Separate the stained clothes by color and fabric and place them in the washer.
  • Run a normal wash cycle based on the instructions on the care label of the clothes.
  • Along with a suitable laundry detergent, pour several drops of eucalyptus oil into the washer.
  • Wash and dry as usual.

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