How to Get Diesel Smell Out of Clothes

One of the effects of using a diesel vehicle is the unwanted diesel smell left on your clothes. It never seems to come off no matter how much you wash it. The stain is very persistent because it is an oil-based stain. The oil must be dissolved first before you can remove the smell.

So how do you get the diesel smell out of your clothes? There are several tricks to get the diesel smell out of your clothes including Vinegar, Coca-Cola and Baking Soda, Listerine, and Quick Orange. They are all products that remove the smell relatively well.

How Can I Remove The Smell Of Diesel From My Clothes? – 5 Methods

Diesel not only makes your clothes smell, but it also makes your washing machine smell, and it stains your clothes. There are several different ways to take care of the many messes diesel leaves behind.

There are four ways to get rid of the odor which are fairly common methods and they are all quite simple to do and don’t require a lot of money or time.

If they don’t work, you may just have to buy a new shirt. However, I’ve only heard good things about these methods, so you probably will get a good result if you apply them efficiently.

1. Baking Soda And Vinegar

If you like to go all-natural, this method works, but if the diesel smell is too strong it may not do a great job. It may take more than a couple of times to get the smell out.

Baking soda and vinegar are natural deodorizers and are also good at breaking down oils, so put as much baking soda and vinegar as normal detergent.

Fun fact: Both are commonly used cleaning agents. Many toothpaste companies put it in their toothpaste to clean your teeth and deodorize your mouth.

2. Coca-Cola And Baking Soda

Coke is one of those cleansing myths that I’m pretty sure a lot of people are still in doubt about.  Applying a combination of Coca-Cola, degreaser, and baking soda will work effectively and efficiently to get rid of odor and stains (especially diesel stains and smells).

Here are the ingredients, mixtures, and tools you’ll need to apply this method:

  • Hot tub/washing machine
  • 1 cup of Tide or Degreaser
  • 2-liter bottle of Coca-Cola
  • 1 box of baking soda

Step 1: Let the clothes soak in the tub of warm water and degreaser (or in the washing machine) for about two hours. (This helps in breaking down the oils in the fuel.)

Step 2: Drain the water, rinse, and then fill with clean water, your 2-liter coke bottle, and the box of baking soda. Mix it very well.

Step 3: Leave it in that spot for about 12-24 hours.

This method works. (You could probably even do without the coke and it would still work, IMO.) It takes a little time and money, but it gets the job done.

3. Listerine

You might think this sounds silly, but Listerine is actually what some firefighters use to remove the smell of smoke from their clothes! It is a good deodorant. You can find it at your local grocery store and it comes at a cheap price too.

All you have to do is pour some into your washing machine with your clothes and it will not only get rid of the diesel smell but will also clean your washing machine.

4. Using Rapid Orange

The Fast Orange is a product that you can buy at Amazon, at Walmart, or at an auto store. It’s a hand cleaner, but it’s also safe to put in the washing machine to get the diesel smell out.

It’s specifically made to clean your hands when they have grease and/or diesel on them and works great for clothes too. Always ensure you buy the softest one. (It will always be indicated on the packaging)

5. How To Remove Diesel Smell From Clothes Using Detergent

For more insistent diesel stains and smell, it is recommended to put neutral detergent on the spot and then leave the piece to soak for up to an hour in a solution of 4 liters of hot water (95.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and 200 ml of the same product.

Never exceed the maximum soak time of 2 hours and be sure to test the product on a small area of ​​the fabric first to avoid damage to the garment.

This formula is also good for the smell of gasoline fuel, which is often more difficult to remove too.

How Can I Remove A Diesel Stain From My Clothes And Hands?

Diesel stains are oil-based, which means regular soap and water won’t do the trick. You need a degreaser or solvent-based stain removers like Tide or Persil.

Most of the odor removal methods listed above are also stain removal methods. However, if you want some product suggestions, here are a few that work quite well:

BIZ (I have personally used this brand and it is amazing!)

The NOs of Diesel stains:

  • Do not use chlorine bleach
  • Do not put fabrics in the dryer if the stain is still on them
  • Do not wash with unstained clothes

How Can I Get The Odor Out Of My Truck Cabin Caused By Diesel Spill?

Anything you would use to get the smell out of your clothes would work for your cab truck. Fast Orange will help get the odor out, just find the spill and start scrubbing!

There are plenty of car fresheners you can use to help with the smell as well. My best advice would be to call a professional and have them detail the vehicle for you. It’s expensive, but with the right people, they usually do an excellent job.

I think it’s worth paying the extra bills, especially if you don’t want to smell like diesel the rest of the time you have your truck.

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