How to Get Fiberglass Out of Clothes

When fiberglass gets into your clothes, there’s a possibility that you might hurt yourself because it can hurt your skin and make you feel itchy. 

Fiberglass is tiny and difficult to get out of clothes; however, it’s not impossible. There are various safe and effective ways of removing fiberglass from clothes. 

10 Ways to Get Fiberglass Out of Clothes

Fiberglass pieces are usually white, light yellow, or pink and when they get into your clothes, identifying them can be difficult because they are tiny. 

So, the best way to know if you have fiberglass on your clothes is to run your hands over them to check for any prickly or sharp sensations. Here are the different methods of getting fiberglass out of clothes below: 

Hot Water

Hot water can come in handy in dissolving fiberglass particles on your clothes. Here is how to use hot water to get fiberglass out of clothes below: 

Step 1: Take off your clothes and use an old toothbrush to brush off the excess fiberglass on your clothes.

Step 2: Put some hot water in a sink or bowl and soak the affected clothes in it to loosen the fiberglass pieces you couldn’t get out by brushing.

Step 3: Leave to soak for about 30 minutes, then rub the clothes to be sure that the fiberglass is completely off. Take out the clothes and rinse with cool water.

Note: Before rubbing the clothes, wear gloves to protect your hands from getting hurt. Also, discard the water carefully.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the top choices for getting fiberglass particles out of your clothes and even your body because it helps to dissolve them. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get fiberglass out of your clothes below:

Step 1: Place the affected clothes on the floor and use an old toothbrush to brush off the excess fiberglass on your clothes.

Step 2: Add some warm water to a cup of apple cider vinegar in a sink or bowl to make a solution. Soak the affected clothes in it.

Step 3: Take out the clothes and rinse with cool water. Wash and rinse the clothes to get out the apple cider vinegar smell. 


Acetone is a chemical that you would find in nail polish removers; it can clean fiberglass. However, it is not as effective in dissolving fiberglass as it would be to remove any stains. Here’s how to use acetone to get fiberglass out of Clothes below:

Step 1: Make a solution with a cup of acetone and half a cup of water in a sink or bowl and soak the affected clothes in it.

Step 2: Leave to soak for about thirty minutes. Take out the clothes and rinse with cool water. Wash and rinse the clothes to get out the acetone smell. 

Note: You can choose to use an old toothbrush to brush off the excess fiberglass on your clothes before soaking in acetone. 


Ethanol is an effective chemical to treat fiberglass products. When using ethanol to get fiberglass out of clothes, you have to make sure that you are dealing with pure ethanol else, it will be less effective for fiberglass dissolution. Here’s how to use it below:

Step 1: Add a cup of ethanol to half a cup of water in a sink or bowl and soak the affected clothes in it.

Step 2: Leave to soak for about thirty minutes. Take out the clothes and rinse with cool water. Wash and rinse the clothes and leave them to dry. 

Rubbing Alcohol 

Rubbing alcohol is commonly known as isopropyl alcohol and it is just as effective as ethanol in dissolving fiberglass and getting it out of clothes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get fiberglass out of your clothes using rubbing alcohol below:

Step 1: Add a cup of rubbing alcohol to half a cup of water in a sink or bowl and soak the affected clothes in it.

Step 2: Take out the clothes and rinse with cool water. Wash and rinse the clothes and leave them to dry.

Use baking soda 

Baking soda is a household ingredient that you can use to get almost anything done, including tackling particles of fiberglass on your clothes. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to the suspected area. Leave the paste in place for at least 12 hours.

Step 2: Make sappy water with some dish soap and soak the clothes in the solution. Wear gloves and rub the clothes together to get the particles out without hurting yourself.

Note: The paste may turn a brownish color when it sits on the fiberglass.

Rust Remover

Rust remover contains high acidic content that can be dangerous to fiberglass which makes it perfect for getting fiberglass out of clothes. However, it can be more dangerous when it comes in contact with your skin, so be careful when handling rust remover. Here’s how to use rust remover below:

Step 1: Mix half a cup of rust remover with two cups of water to reduce its potency so it does not damage your clothes.

Step 2: Wet a cloth with the solution and dab on the suspected area. Soak the clothes in cool water immediately after dabbing on the clothes. 

Note: The rust remover is quite potent and can hurt your skin, so wear rubber gloves before touching the solution.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a multipurpose household ingredient that can get fiberglass out of clothes. However, you may need to add dish soap to it to make it more effective. Here is how to go about it below: 

Step 1: Mix about three tablespoons of any dish soap of your choice and six tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to form a solution. 

Step 2: soak the affected clothes in it and leave for about 30 minutes. Wash clothes as usual, either by hand or with a washing machine.


Ammonia is a harsh chemical, but it works as a multi-purpose stain-removing agent; it can be used to remove fiberglass from clothes. Here’s how to use it below: 

Step 1: Dilute 50% strength of ammonia with warm water in a well-ventilated area. Use a clean cloth to add the mixture to the suspected area on the clothes and allow it to sit for 30 minutes.

Step 2: Rinse the cloth thoroughly with cool water before washing with laundry detergent.

Laundry Detergent 

Your regular laundry detergent can also come in handy in getting fiberglass out of your clothes. Here’s how to use laundry detergent to get fiberglass out of clothes below:

Step 1: Make a solution with some laundry detergent and water in a sink or bowl and soak the affected clothes in it.

Step 2: Leave to soak for about thirty minutes. Wash and rinse the clothes with cool water. You can choose to use an old toothbrush to brush off the excess fiberglass on your clothes before soaking in the solution. 

Get Fibreglass Out Of Beddings

You might be wondering how fiberglass can get into your beddings. Well, it is a plastic composite material that has been reinforced with glass fibers, and it can be found in some mattresses.

If your bed contains fiberglass,  you are at risk of being exposed to the abrasive material because it could get dislodged from the inner cover of your mattress and launch into your bedding. 

When this happens, you can use baking soda and white vinegar to get it out. Baking soda and white vinegar are both household materials that can help get fiberglass out of your beddings. Here is how to go about it below:

Step 1: Mix baking soda and Vinegar with a little amount of water to form a paste and apply it to the suspected area.  Leave the paste in place for at least 12 hours.

Step 2: Make sappy water with some dish soap and soak the clothes in the solution. Wear gloves and rub the clothes together to get the particles out without hurting yourself.

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