How to Get Lip Gloss Out of Clothes

Lip glosses occupy an essential part of most ladies’ everyday dress-up; their oil content helps keep their lips fresh, especially in the dry seasons. However, as much as they love them, the stains on their clothes can be pretty nasty. The worst part about these stains is that they usually come unexpectedly. 

It could be during a careful makeup session when you change your clothes and a part of the clothing unexpectedly finds its way to your lips or when your kids decide that your lip gloss is a toy.

How To Get Lip Gloss Out Of Clothes

Removing lip gloss from clothes might seem bothersome, but they aren’t. There are dozens of methods to remove these stains effectively, and the fun part is that they can all be done with items in your home. Below are some of the strategies for eliminating lip gloss stains on clothes:

1. Use Dish Soap

9 Elements Liquid Dish Soap

Dish soap is one of the most common items in our homes that we can’t do without. It effectively removes lip gloss stains from fabrics, especially when the stain is still fresh. 

Dish soaps are mild and are recommended for use on delicate fabrics. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use this method;

Step 1: Carefully remove any excess stain remains. Apply a small amount of dish soap to the soiled area.

Step 2: Allow it to sit for a few minutes. Gently rub the soiled area with a brush to get as much stain as possible off the cloth.

Step 3: Once the stain is gone, wash it adequately in a machine. Soak the cloth in a dish soap and water mixture if the stain isn’t in a spot.

2. Use Liquid Detergent

liquid detergent

Liquid detergent is another mild product that can easily remove lip gloss stains. It is gentle on delicate clothes and very effective. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use laundry detergent to get rid of lip gloss stains;

Step 1: Carefully remove any excess stain and apply a small amount of liquid detergent to the soiled area.

Step 2: Rub the liquid detergent over the spot with a toothbrush or your finger. Continue until the stain gradually disappears and becomes less visible. Toss the cloth into a washing machine for a proper wash.

3. Use Hair Spray

Using hair spray in stain-removing missions has been a known trick for a while, and lip gloss has disappeared under the watchful eyes of hairspray. It is recommended to use this method only when the stain is fresh. 

Using hairspray on dry stains might be challenging. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use this method;

Step 1: Carefully remove any excess stain remains. Spray the hair spray directly on the soiled area and leave for 10 minutes.

Step 2: Gently rub the solution on the area until the stain comes loose. Toss the cloth into a washing machine for a proper wash.

4. Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is an absorbent and a natural remedy to remove grease spots. It effectively removes lip gloss stains from clothes; it removes stains and can also get rid of smells. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use this method;

Step 1: Carefully remove any excess stain remains. Create a solution of baking soda and water. One cup of baking soda to half a bucket of water.

Step 2: Soak the soiled cloth in the mixture and leave for ten minutes. Scrub the dirty area and then wash as usual.

5. Use Lemon Juice And Baking Soda Paste

Lemon contains acids that can be an effective stain remover: however, when mixed with baking soda, an even more robust solution is created. This mixture effectively removes lip gloss stains, even the old ones. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use this method;

Step 1: Make a paste by combining one tablespoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of lemon juice in a small bowl.

Step 2: Carefully remove any excess stain remains. Apply the mixture to the soiled area, and leave it to sit for 30 minutes.

Step 3: Gently rub the area with a brush. Toss the cloth in your machine for a proper wash.

How To Get Lip Gloss Out  Of Clothes Without Washing

remove lip gloss from clothes without washing

Given that lip and gloss stains are unexpected, if you are in a situation where stained clothes are needed urgently and washing the cloth isn’t an option, there are other ways to go about it. Here are methods you can follow to remove stains without washing below:

1. White Vinegar

White vinegar is a natural remedy to get the most stubborn stains out of your clothes without damaging them. Its transparent nature ensures it doesn’t leave any stain behind while doing its job, making it an excellent option for emergencies. 

Vinegar is also a deodorizer that kills any odor that may arise from the stain. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use this method;

Step 1: Carefully remove any excess stain remains. Create a solution of vinegar and water

Step 2: Apply the solution to the soiled area and scrub gently with a brush. Continue until the stain disappears.

2. Rubbing alcohol

When it comes to stain removal, alcohol is one of the best guys for the job. Both fresh and old stains can’t stand the stain removal prowess of alcohol. Below are the step-to-step instructions on how to use this method:

Step 1: Using a cotton ball or clean white cloth, apply the alcohol solution directly if the fabric is durable. If it isn’t, dilute the alcohol with water.

Step 2: Scrub the stain with the alcohol-dipped cotton ball. Continue until the stain is removed

Note: For delicate clothes, dilute the alcohol solution with water.

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