10 Ways to Get Rust Out of Clothes

One of the most challenging stains to remove from clothes are rust stains. Removing these stains requires a lot of time and patience. In some extreme cases, they might be impossible to remove. 

Some different techniques and tips will come in handy when removing rust stains from your cloth. There are different commercial rust stain removers on the market that are safe and efficient for your garments. Suppose you are sure about using commercial stain removers because they may contain harsh and toxic chemicals. In that case, there are also homemade remedies that can also do the job just as efficiently as commercial products. 

You do not need to worry if you find a rust stain on any of your favorite clothes. This article contains helpful information on how to remove rust stains. 

How To Get Rid of Rust Stain

You can get rust stains out of your clothes; either you do it yourself or hire a professional. If you do it yourself, you can either use homemade ingredients, detergents, or rust removals. Here are some useful tips that will come in handy. 

Apply Lemon Juice and Salt

This technique for removing rust stains is very safe for your clothes, especially white clothes and unbleached fabrics. Lemon Juice is just a suitable ingredient if you use it on delicate fabrics like leather, wool, rayon, suede, or silk. 

The application is simple, use a clean white towel to dab the juice on the stained area. Next, put the cloth under a sheet, and place it under the sun to dry. Make sure you check the cloth from time to time so that the cloth doesn’t bleach. 

Leave the cloth to dry for up to three hours or till the stain is completely gone. Raise the cloth repeatedly until there is no trace of the ingredients. Finally, wash the cloth either with a washing machine or by hand. 

Use White Vinegar

This ingredient is very reliable when it comes to removing rust from clothes. People refer to it as rust stain’s worst enemy. It works even better when you apply fast before the stain becomes permanent. It also works on stains that have been on the cloth for a long time; the only difference is that the white vinegar should stay on the cloth longer if it is old.

Applying this ingredient is similar to the tip above. Lay the cloth on a towel, then pour your white vinegar on the affected area until it is moist. Use a clean sponge or cloth to dab the stain and absorb the red discoloration. Next, put the cloth directly under the sun; gradually, the rust stain will fade away. 

Once you are satisfied with the fade level, wash the cloth with regular detergent, and allow the cloth to dry. But if, after following this process, the stain still doesn’t disappear, repeat the process; it should completely fade out on your second try. 

Use Cream of Tartar

cream of tartar

Cream of tartar is an acid salt ingredient. Manufacturers extract it during winemaking, and its scientific name is potassium bitartrate. It is acidic by nature and has a mild abrasive quality; this makes it a perfect product for removing stubborn stains. It is a perfect choice for removing rust stains because it cleans the stain without fading your fabric. 

After applying the ingredient to the stained spot, allow it to dry for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, rinse the area with enough warm water, and wash with your machine.

Make sure the stain is completely gone before putting it in a dryer. If the stain is still there, start the process again until the stain is completely gone. This process will also help remove oil stains and tea stains. 

Utilize Rhubarb


This method is not a conventional rust removal method, but it works and is a green solution for rust removal. This rust stain removal tip is perfect for large stains that are difficult to clean individually. 

Put the stained cloth into a water container mixed with rhubarb, and allow the cloth to soak. Once the stain goes, remove and wash the cloth normally.

Use Laundry Detergent

laundry detergent

Detergent is the most basic method for removing stains from clothes; You can also use it to remove rust stains. There are different types of detergent in the market, not all can do this job, but there are specific ones tailored for this purpose. These detergents have acidic ingredients that are strong enough to remove rust stains.

Use Stain-Removing Paste

This is another efficient DIY alternative; this paste comprises a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of cream of tartar, and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix these ingredients until you have a paste. Run the paste on the stained area and wait for about thirty minutes before rinsing the cloth thoroughly.

Use Rust Remover

rust stain remover

Commercial stain removers are available on the market; You can use them to remove stubborn stains, including rust stains. You can get them at almost every local store around. If you have one, ensure that you strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions because these rust removers are toxic and tend to burn the skin. The general requirement requires that you rub the remover on the stained area, let it dry for a minute, and then rinse the cloth thoroughly. 

Wash as Usual

This is supposed to be your first option once you notice a rust stain on your cloth. Use heavy-duty laundry detergent, the required water temperature as stipulated on the label. After washing, carefully look at the cloth to ensure the stain is no longer there before putting it in a dryer. Another option is to air dry. 

Remove the Loose Rust

If the stain still refuses to go after carrying all the steps above, you can carefully scrape off the rusted part, depending on the type of material. If it is a carpet or fabric fiber, use a butter knife to loosen and scrape away the rusted area. 

If the rust keeps returning, you need to find a more permanent solution to prevent the rust stain from reoccurring. The rust could be from locks, cars, and corroded metal furniture, so look around and remove them to prevent future recurrence. If the stain still refuses to go away after removing these objects, the cause could be the following reasons.  

  • A chip in the enamel of a clothes dryer drum or washer tub
  • Rusty pipes and water heater
  • Rusty water containers
  • water source loaded with iron bacteria. 

Preventing future occurrence is essential because if it keeps coming back, the effort you

Hire Professional Dry Cleaners 

Professional dry cleaners are professionals. They know how and how not to wash off the rust. A professional dry cleaning service has the expertise and experience handling tricky dirt. You might want to hire them if you don’t want to go through the stress. An online search will help you get the nearest dry cleaning service around you. 

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