How to Get Yellow Out of White Clothes

As luxurious and elegant as white clothes are, they are also highly susceptible to staining, particularly the yellowing effect, because of age, sweat, and oils.

Yellow stains appear on white clothing – especially in the neck and armpit area – because of dried up, trapped sweat, and the aluminum from deodorant.

You can’t just use bleach on these stains because it can worsen them. However, there are several ways to remove yellow stains from your favorite white clothes.

10 Ways to Get Yellow Out of White Clothes

There are many ways to remove the yellowing effect from white clothes.

Citrus Soak

Citric acid breaks down stains and brightens clothes, so it will help remove the yellow stains from white clothes.

Lemons are the fruits of choice for this treatment because of their high citric acid content.


  1. Boil water in a large pot with five lemons cut into medium slices.
  2. Afterward, soak the clothes in the pot or transfer the lemon water to a bowl and soak the clothes there.
  3. Leave the clothes to soak for a few hours, then wash as usual.
  4. Air-dry the clothes in the sun for better brightening effects.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is the go-to stain remover for many people because of its proven prowess. Vinegar also has brightening abilities which are suitable for this process.

Do not substitute white vinegar with other types of vinegar; it will stain the white clothes.


  1. Fill a large bowl with cold water and pour in a cup of vinegar.
  2. Submerge the stained clothes into the mixture and leave them to soak for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.
  4. Alternatively, pour a ¼ cup of vinegar into the washer during the wash cycle.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an abrasive, stain remover, and brightening agent. These three factors prove that baking soda is ideal for removing the yellow stains from white clothes.

Add in a mixture of salt, another abrasive, to make the potion more effective.


  1. Pour a cup of baking soda and a tablespoon of salt into a large bowl of water and stir till it produces a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Submerge the stained clothes into the bowl and leave them to soak for an hour.
  3. Transfer the clothes to the washer and wash them with laundry detergent.


Aspirin contains salicylic acid, making it a good stain remover and a pain killer. Use only the white Aspirin as the colored ones can cause further staining to the white clothes.


  1. Crush five white Aspirin pills into a powder form.
  2. Fill a sizable bowl with cold water and pour in the powdered Aspirin.
  3. Mix thoroughly till the Aspirin dissolves in the water to form a solution.
  4. Place the stained clothes into the solution and leave them to soak for two hours.
  5. Wash the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is suitable for removing tiny yellow stains concentrated in problem areas of the white clothes.

It is an effortless, non-toxic way of removing stains.


  1. Mix two tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide and two tablespoons of water in a sizable bowl.
  2. Use a soft brush or a white cotton cloth to apply the mixture to the stains on the clothes.
  3. Leave the mixture to sit on the clothes for at least 45 minutes. Longer soaking times produce better results.
  4. Wash the clothes as usual in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.


Toothpaste whitens teeth and makes them sparkling clean. The mechanism can remove yellow stains from white clothes. Unfortunately, this treatment can be a lengthy, labor-intensive process.

As with Hydrogen Peroxide, toothpaste works best with tinier stains. Perform a patch test on non-cotton fabrics before proceeding with the treatment.


  1. Wet the yellow stains with cold water before you start the treatment.
  2. Apply the toothpaste directly to the stains.
  3. Gently scrub the stains on the clothes with a toothbrush or soft cotton cloth.
  4. Afterward, wash the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.

Blue Coloring

Adding blue coloring to the yellow stained clothes will see the blue counteract the staining effects of the yellow spots to form white colors.

It is a straightforward process. Although, not following the proper instructions can dye your white clothes blue.


  1. Follow the instructions on the bottle of the blue coloring to see the correct amount of water to mix with the blue color.
  2. Pour the mixture into the bleach compartment of the washer.
  3. Wash your clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent that won’t adversely react with the blue coloring.

White Brite

White Brite is a product that removes the yellowing effect and rust stains from white clothes while brightening them in the process. It is a safer option for whitening clothes than bleach.


  1. Fill a sizable bowl with cold water and pour ½ a cup of White Brite into the water.
  2. Mix till it dissolves and submerges the stained clothes into the solution.
  3. Leave the clothes to soak for an hour.
  4. Wash the clothes in the washer with a suitable laundry detergent.
  5. Alternatively, pour ½ a cup of White Brite into the washer and use a laundry booster.


OxiClean is the easiest option on this list. The primary purpose of OxiClean is to remove stains and whiten clothes.

Get the correct OxiClean for whitening white clothes and follow the proper instructions to be successful.


  1. Fill a sizable basin, bowl, or bucket with cold water.
  2. Pour a scoop of OxiClean into the water and stir till it fully dissolves.
  3. Submerge your stained clothes into the mixture and leave them to soak for three hours.
  4. Transfer your clothes to the washer and wash them with a suitable laundry detergent.

Rit White-Wash

Rit White-Wash whitens clothes and removes yellow stains much like bleach but much less potent.

It works with all kinds of fabrics, including silk. However, you should perform a patch test beforehand to be extra sure.


  1. Fill a stainless steel pot with water and heat it to 93 degrees.
  2. Pour one packet of Rit White-Wash into the hot water and stir till it dissolves.
  3. Add ½ a cup of laundry detergent to the mixture and stir.
  4. Submerge the stained clothes into the mixture and stir for 20 minutes with a wooden spoon.
  5. Afterward, rinse the clothes in warm water and then in cold water.
  6. Dry the clothes.

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