5 Ways to Get Desitin out of Clothes

Desitin is a diaper rash cream made with zinc oxide, highly recommended for babies as it helps create a barrier between the baby and their diaper.

Parents are familiar with this product and the stress it takes to try and remove the cream stains from clothes or sheets.

Luckily, there are many valuable ways to remove those stains.

Items Used to Remove Desitin Stains

Desitin stains are complex to remove because the zinc oxide stains the clothes with color, and the oil adheres to the fabric.

You need items that can adequately remove every facet of the stain and not leave any fragments of color behind.

It might take a few tries, but the items listed here will remove the Desitin stains.

Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquid removes food stains from kitchenware without leaving damage or residue. It is only logical to repurpose this ability to remove the oily Desitin stains from clothes.

Since you will be dealing mainly with baby clothes, the mildness of eco-friendly dishwashing liquid should relax your fears.

Although it’s not necessary when working with dishwashing liquid, perform a patch test on an inconspicuous part of the stained clothes to see how they will react to the dishwashing liquid.


  • Remove excess Desitin from the stained clothes to make the stain removal process effortless. Gently clean up the cream with a paper towel and don’t spread it to other parts of the clothes.
  • Squeeze a portion of the dishwashing liquid on the stain and sprinkle water on top to loosen it and allow seamless penetration.
  • Work the dishwashing liquid into the stains by gently scrubbing them with a soft brush. Do not spread them to other parts of the clothes.
  • Leave the treatment to soak on the clothes for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the stains with warm water till there are no soap suds.
  • Check the clothes to see if the stains remain and repeat the process if they did.
  • After ensuring no more stains, place the clothes in the washer with a proper laundry detergent.
  • Check for stains one more time before drying the clothes.

Degreasing Liquid Detergent

Some liquid detergents are powerful enough to remove tough stains from clothes, which is fantastic because Desitin is one of those tough stains.

Some people have reported having the stains remain on the clothes even after washing; that’s why you have to pre-treat the stains and wash the clothes with a suitable laundry detergent.

Ensure to properly pair the detergent to fabric type by reading the clothes care label and the detergent bottle label.


  • Remove excess Desitin from the stained clothes to make the stain removal process effortless. Gently clean up the cream with a paper towel and don’t spread it to other parts of the clothes.
  • Spread the stained clothes on a flat surface for better visibility.
  • Pour the liquid detergent on the stains and sprinkle water on top to loosen them and allow seamless penetration.
  • Allow the detergent to work by gently scrubbing the stains with a soft brush. Do not spread them to other parts of the clothes.
  • Leave the treatment to soak on the clothes for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the stains with warm water till there are no soap suds.
  • Check the clothes to see if the stains remain and repeat the process if they did.
  • After ensuring no more stains, place the clothes in the washer with the same laundry detergent.
  • Check for stains one more time before drying the clothes.

Goo Gone

Goo Gone removes stains and adhesives from various surfaces; however, it is similar to a degreaser making it capable of removing the Desitin stains from your clothes.

The mechanism of this stain remover is absorbing tough stains and removing them from the surface from where they are bound.

Before applying Goo Gone on your clothes, especially your delicate fabrics, perform a patch test to see how it will react.

Always follow the written instructions on the label of Goo Gone for correct application.


  • Remove excess Desitin from the stained clothes to make the stain removal process effortless. Gently clean up the cream with a paper towel and don’t spread it to other parts of the clothes.
  • Spread the stained clothes on a flat surface for better visibility.
  • Apply the Goo Gone to the stains on your clothes with a spoon or your finger. Note that Goo Gone is sticky, and you should be careful.
  • Carefully rub it onto the stains and a small perimeter surrounding them; however, do not over-extend your treatment.
  • After treating the stain, rinse the clothes with hot water to remove the Goo Gone. As the Goo Gone rinses away, so do the Desitin stains.
  • Check the clothes to see if the stains remain and repeat the process if they did.
  • After ensuring no more stains, place the clothes in the washer with the same laundry detergent.
  • Check for stains one more time before drying the clothes.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is an inexpensive and highly effective stain remover and degreaser. It breaks down stain molecules into a tiny form that can easily wash away with water and detergent. Ensure to get 99% rubbing alcohol for better results.

Before celebrating this miracle product, know that some fabrics do not agree with rubbing alcohol. It can damage or discolor some fabrics; perform a patch test on the stained clothes before proceeding with the treatments.


  • Remove excess Desitin from the stained clothes to make the stain removal process effortless. Gently clean up the cream with a paper towel and don’t spread it to other parts of the clothes.
  • Spread the stained clothes on a flat surface for better visibility.
  • Place cardboard, an absorbent cloth, or a pile of paper towels behind the stains, creating a barrier between the stained parts of the clothes and the unstained parts. This barrier will prevent the Desitin stains from dropping to the other side during the rubbing alcohol treatment.
  • Pour rubbing alcohol on the stains and leave the treatment to soak on the clothes for ten minutes.
  • Thoroughly rinse the clothes under cold running water to remove the rubbing alcohol.
  • Check the clothes to see if the stains remain and repeat the process if they did.
  • After the treatment, place the clothes in the washer with an appropriate laundry detergent, following the proper washing instructions.
  • Check the clothes for Desitin stains one more time.
  • Air-dry your clothes to ensure the rubbing alcohol smell leaves entirely.

White Vinegar

Anyone familiar with DIY cleaning or stain removal methods knows white vinegar is one of the best stain removers, deodorizers, degreasers, etc.; it will be perfect for removing Desitin stains from clothes without causing damage.

Do not be tempted to replace white vinegar with other kinds of vinegar. They contain coloring that can affect your clothes.

Add baking soda to your treatment procedure to get better results.


  • Remove excess Desitin from the stained clothes to make the stain removal process effortless. Gently clean up the cream with a paper towel and don’t spread it to other parts of the clothes.
  • Spread the stained clothes on a flat surface for better visibility.
  • Place cardboard, an absorbent cloth, or a pile of paper towels behind the stains, creating a barrier between the stained parts of the clothes and the unstained parts.
  • Use baking soda to absorb some of the remnant stains by pouring them on the stained area and leaving it for 30 minutes.
  • Sweep the baking soda away from the clothes.
  • Pour equal parts of white vinegar and water into a bowl, and stir.
  • Cover the stains with the diluted vinegar and leave it to soak for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the clothes with cold water.
  • Check the clothes to see if the stains remain and repeat the process if they did.
  • ●       After the treatment, place the clothes in the washer with an appropriate laundry detergent, following the proper washing instructions.

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