5 Fabric Softener Alternatives

Everyone wants to feel at ease when they dress for work, the mall, or anywhere else. That’s why many people utilize fabric softeners, which not only soften the fibers of clothing but also give it a pleasant scent.

Fabric softeners contain dangerous ingredients that are nasty to use. This brings us to the question “how can you maintain soft fabric without using a conventional fabric softener?”

In a quest to get answers, many people who do laundry search for the perfect fabric softener alternatives that can provide relatively similar benefits without the negative side effects.

Which Fabric Softeners Are Suitable Alternatives For Me?

Fabric softeners are laundry ingredients used after washing to make garments smooth and crease-free while also reducing the friction between fabrics, resulting in less static cling.

They prolong the life of your clothes by protecting them from wear and tear. So, if I want to swap them for more suitable alternatives, which can I go for?

  • Vinegar

Vinegar is an excellent item to use in your laundry and for general cleaning. It’s all-natural and effortlessly removes build-up and impurities.

To use vinegar as a fabric softener, simply add it to the laundry in the washing machine and then let it spin for the length of the wash cycle; alternatively, if your machine has a cup to automatically add it, you can do this also.

Another benefit of using vinegar for laundry is that it is rather inexpensive, so if you’re looking for cost-effective additives, this could be it.

It’s worth noting that not all kinds of vinegar can be utilized as fabric softener substitutes. Distilled white vinegar is a decent kind of vinegar that you can use for your laundry.

  • Baking soda

Yes, baking soda, while primarily used for baking, may also be used to soften your clothing and it’s quite easy to obtain practically anywhere.

Baking soda relaxes the water, particularly if it contains a lot of calcium, and also minimizes the friction on your clothes. It’s great for eliminating odors from different textiles and brightening your white laundry.

All you just have to do is add about a ¼ cup or half cup of baking soda to your filthy laundry before putting it in the washing machine, and then relax and let it do its thing.

You could also make your own fabric softener with it in addition to vinegar and some essential oils.

  • Aluminum foil

Aluminum foil, which you may not be aware of, is a good substitute for fabric softener.

Aluminum foil is a thin, shiny metallic sheet that is commonly used in the kitchen for packaging. It’s also useful in cosmetics and insulation. They crumple into a little ball and are a great alternative to dryer balls and tennis balls too. 

Aluminum reduces static accumulation in clothing since it’s a metal that conducts electricity.

Simply roll a piece of aluminum foil into a small ball and place it in your dryer like a dryer sheet. This will help to vibrate the fabric, softening it while also reducing static resistance.

Because they’re lightweight, you won’t have to worry about them destroying your washing machine. The foil balls are pretty much effective at keeping your clothes from wrinkling.

Ensure you keep an eye on the foil as you crumple it and also take steps to prevent any aluminum foil angles from protruding from the fabric since this could destroy it. 

If you prefer ecologically sustainable alternatives, woolen dryer balls are a better option. They are wool balls that you can put in your dryer to help minimize static and give you fresher, gentler clothing that dries faster.

One advantage of the woolen dryer balls is their reusability of up to 40 times. Its reusability, combined with its lower electricity use, can help you save some cash as well.

Due to the enhanced airflow of wool dryer balls, they are also very effective in reducing drying time quickly.

One thing to keep in mind is that it has the potential to irritate people who have wool allergies. As they go through several dryer cycles, they tend to shed, which could cause such allergic reaction.

  • Hair conditioner

As the name suggests, they are used for hair care.  Bet you didn’t know they could be used for softening clothing.

You just have to combine it with vinegar and add it to the washing machine. You should use the quantity that you would use for your fabric softener.

Of course, you ought not to pour it directly onto your laundry, or else you would just spoil your clothes and waste your hair conditioner. 

In using hair conditioner, try not to use your super expensive ones, rather, get cheaper types because it’s the same hair conditioner and it would make no sense in wasting the pricey one.

Also, get a hair conditioner that has nice scents and not many chemicals.

When you go to get groceries today, you could just add 1 or 2 bottles of hair conditioner to your cart. 

Are Dryer Sheets Also Suitable Alternatives? 

Fabric softeners can also be replaced with Dryer Sheets. They’re cleanly cut sheets with chemicals on them that are used to soften garments.

They make good washing softening materials, while not being as popular as their liquid equivalents. They’re far less expensive and environmentally friendly than liquid fabric softeners, and they also smell nice. They’re used during the laundry dryer cycle.

Many individuals choose it because of its advantages in reducing the chance of stains on garments. If you like, you may even make your own personalized version and perfume it according to your preferences.

Why Should I Switch To Fabric Softener Alternatives?

There are numerous reasons to switch from conventional fabric softeners to much more viable alternatives.

Fabric softeners can cause damage to your garments over time. They apply a light, waxy coating to your garments, which softens them but inhibits their capacity to absorb water and detergent adequately.

They also leave softener chemicals, which clog washing machines and attract bacteria that cause smells.

Furthermore, certain fabric softeners are not environmentally friendly, as they are not easily biodegradable and might harm aquatic life when they are drained.

According to studies that were conducted by The University of Washington, several chemicals in fabric softener have been proven to be carcinogenic, contain developmental biotoxins, and allergens.

Can I Make My Own Fabric Softener?

Of course, you can make your own fabric softener. In fact, DIY fabric softeners are pretty cool if you want to be creative and add your own touch. 

They’re not so hard to make, they’re ecologically sustainable and also great for your clothing.

They provide your laundry with awesome fragrances, unlike the artificial ones that conventional fabric softeners give off. They are also non-toxic and perfect for individuals with sensitive skin. 

If you want to know how to make awesome DIY fabric softeners, you could check this out, “5 best homemade fabric softeners“. 

There are other suitable options for fabric softeners out there. It’s best if you go for types that provide ecologically sustainable and long-lasting effects for your clothing or you can try homemade recipes to create your own.

The good thing is that they’re not so hard to create. 

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