How to Get Olive Oil Out Of Clothes

If you accidentally got your favorite outfit stained with olive oil and you’re not sure what exactly to do, except that you do not want to throw the clothing away. Not to worry, you can use several household items to get rid of olive oil stains on clothing.

3 Ways to Get Olive Oil Out of Clothes

Olive Oil

Here are methods you could follow to completely get olive oil stains out of your clothes for good:

Method 1: Using the Liquid Dish Soap

Liquid Dish Soap

Follow these steps to remove olive oil stains on clothing using liquid dish soap:

  • Use a clean white napkin to dab some excess oil from your clothing.
  • Ensure you do not take the clothing to water immediately, as this may be counterproductive. You must leave your clothing as dry as possible to get rid of the olive oil stain.
  • Locate your liquid dish soap and apply some quantity of the liquid to the affected spot of your clothing.
  • Using either your hand or a clean napkin, carefully work the liquid soap into the affected clothing region. The goal here is to allow the liquid soap to access the inner workings of the affected region of your clothing.
  • After successfully following the above process, allow the liquid dish soap to remain on the clothing for about 5 to 10 minutes. The reason is so the solvent could gain even deeper access into the inner parts of the affected region of your clothing.
  • At this point, you can then use cold water to rinse away all the liquid soap residue from the clothing.
  • After following the above process carefully, study the cloth care instructions to know the producer’s information on the cloth on washing with a machine. 
  • Then make use of a detergent that can remove stains to wash your clothing to ensure that every leftover residue of the olive oil and liquid wash is completely removed.

Method 2: Liquid Soap and Baking Soda Solution

Where the above procedure does not give adequate results, you could use liquid dish soap and baking soda solution to remove the olive oil stain from your clothing. 

Follow these steps to remove olive oil stains from your clothing:

  • Ensure that you do not take the clothing to water immediately, as this may be counterproductive.
  • With the aid of a clean napkin or paper towel, carefully remove the stain by blotting.
  • Using the napkin or paper towel to blot would absorb all the excess olive oil on the clothing. 
  • After you have successfully blotted the olive oil as best as possible, locate your baking soda. 
  • Apply some quantity of baking soda directly to the affected region of the clothing, then use your finger, a clean napkin, or a paper towel to work it in.
  • After this, allow the baking soda to remain in the affected region of the clothing for about 6 to 7 minutes. This action aims to allow the baking soda you just applied to get worked into the inner workings of the fabric.
  • Using the baking soda would not necessarily require that you use cold water to rinse it off after the waiting period has expired. You could also use a brush to carefully clean off the baking soda from the affected region of the clothing. 
  • If you had meticulously followed the procedure as outlined, the olive oil stain on the clothing should be completely removed. Where this is not the case, repeat the steps outlined above, and your clothing should be restored to its original state.

Method 3: Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide

Combining hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda and liquid dish soap formula is another method you could adopt to get rid of stubborn olive oil stains from your clothing. This procedure works perfectly when trying to remove olive oil stains on clothes that have been around for a long time.

Follow these steps to remove olive oil stains from clothing using hydrogen peroxide:

  • Apply the hydrogen peroxide solvent to the affected region of your clothing.
  • After applying the hydrogen peroxide, immediately apply the baking soda to the affected region of the clothing. 
  • Be sure to add enough baking soda to make it thick.
  • Next, apply the liquid dish wash to the mixture on the affected spot before adding more baking soda.
  • After the above steps, use an available brush to work the mixture on the affected region of the clothing carefully for a while. 
  • Allow this to remain on the affected region of the clothing for about 20 to 25 minutes so that the mixture can be adequately worked into the olive oil stain. 
  • After the stipulated time limit must have elapsed, rinse the affected region with cold water until all the mixture’s residue is removed. 
  • Take the clothing to your washing machine and wash it regularly before finally leaving it to air dry. 
  • After carefully following the steps listed above, if the olive oil stain persists, it’s best to contact a dry cleaning expert for professional aid.

Tools Needed to Remove Oil Stains From Clothing

You will use the following items to remove the olive oil stain. 

The items include:

  • A laundry detergent (specifically enzyme-based and natural)
  • detergent booster(a natural one)
  • stain remover (specifically enzyme-based)
  • oxygen bleach (this is rather optional)
  • hydrogen peroxide, which is usually used with dish soap (mild)
  • vinegar
  • clean napkin, and
  • paper towel.


Everyone makes mistakes for sure, so don’t be too hard on yourself to get your favorite outfit soiled. If you have read through the procedures listed above, you know exactly what to do to get rid of olive oil stains on your clothes.

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