How to Get Rid of Rotten Egg Smells in Washer

Nobody likes to wear clothing with nasty smells, especially if it smells like rotten eggs. The smells on your clothing are most times a result of your washer smelling that way. 

Different kinds of smells may emanate from your washer. Rotten egg smells are quite common and indicate a colony of bacteria residing in your washer’s interior.

You should eliminate them if you want to remove the smells. 

Why Does My Washer Smell Like Rotten Eggs

If you discover that your washer is giving off an offensive odor that smells like rotten eggs, Hydrogen sulfide gas is the main cause.

It is conceivable for hydrogen sulfide gas to be found in washers since it’s a perfect habitat for developing bacteria, mold, and mildew. It’s a naturally occurring result of the decomposition of microorganisms.

Numerous things can be identified as the cause of this.

  • Bad P-traps
Washing Machine P Trap

Drainage P-traps are a type of P-trap that connects to an exterior drainage pipe. It’s shaped like a P, contains water, and prevents bad smells like rotten eggs and bad water from getting to the washer via backflow. 

A lack of water in these traps due to inactivity or negligence means that it is possible for the smells in the sewers to drift inside your washing machine.

As a result, the smell of rotten eggs may permeate your washing machine.

You could develop serious risks to your health, and your safety might be compromised. 

  • Clogged washer drains

Small objects or improper pipe connections made during your washing machine installation can cause the drain pipes to get clogged, just as this can happen with any pipe.

The excess water from the washing machine is drained through the pipes. So if there is a water buildup in the pipe for an extended period, bacteria and mold begin to grow there.

They give off the odor of rotten eggs, which may begin to permeate the washing machine.

  • Bad excessive detergents

After a long period and an excessive amount of usage of detergents in your washer, there is a possibility that they still contain some detergent residue. 

Because of this, the washing machine produces excessive foam, which, in turn, leaves residues that serve as breeding grounds for bacteria and mold, resulting in rotten egg-like odors.

The majority of people who own high-efficiency washing machines don’t even use detergents designed for those machines.

When non-HE detergents, known to generate excessive foaming, are used in a HE washing machine, the resulting clothes will smell like rotten eggs if you do not clean the washer.

  • Dirty washers

In a washing machine that has been abandoned for a lengthy period without being cared for, the growth of mold and the development of musty odors are also possible.

If your washing machine is not properly cleaned, the excess water may leak out and cause damage to your home. Also, the dirt from your clothing may enter the machine, sit in the space of the washer and either clog it up or cause your electric system to short out. The dirt and dampness of the washer make it possible for different kinds of bacteria to thrive.

How Do I Get Rid Of Rotten Eggs Smell In My Washer?

After reviewing the causes of rotten egg-like smells in washers, it’s only natural to find ways to remove them effectively. You wouldn’t want your clothing to smell that way. So, how do I remove these smells?

  • Clean your washer

To prevent or remove any kind of smell from your washer, you must always ensure that your washing machine performs at its best.

While your washing machine still fills up with water, you can start a wash cycle and add some bleach.

Also, the washing machine filter should, at the very least, be taken out and cleaned once every four to six months.

Remove the fabric softener, bleach, and detergent receptacles from the washing machine and scrub them. It’s essential you scrub the receptacles thoroughly using a toothbrush.

After that, dry the seal’s interior with a microfiber cloth and allow the washer to air dry for a time.

Washer brands like Samsung have a Self-Clean option that you can utilize to clean your washer effectively. 

  • Fix the door seals

Particularly common with front-loading washers, lint can get stuck in the washing door gasket or pieces of fabric between the seals. Because of this, they may not close, letting mildew grow. At some point, your washer may begin to smell like rotten eggs.

That’s why I recommend you check the door seal, open it and examine inside for anything that might be stuck there. If you discover anything stuck there, remove them.

Next, use hot water with soap to clean the door gasket.

When you’ve completed the cleaning, you should keep the door open to allow the air to dry and circulate throughout the area. 

  • Clean the Washer’s Drain Plugs
Washing Machine Drain

The drain plug is easily accessible when you take out the washer lid plate. It is essential to keep a clean cloth on hand in case of a spill because water might flow when you take out the plug. 

After removal of the washer’s drain plug, thoroughly clean the drain plug area.

Next up, reach into the opening, pull the drain filter out and clean it with heated water and a clean microfiber cloth.

You may start cleaning the drain area by removing the drain pipes and clearing away any debris and residue that may be blocking them.

Wash it thoroughly to ensure that all of the old detergent and residue have been eliminated from the machine. If the filter is badly wrecked, get a new filter and make sure to put it through several cycles of hot water.

  • Fix the P-trap

Having water at the bottom of the drain in the P-trap helps the washing machine prevent odors as the rotten egg smells from rising to the top.

The P-trap is a kind of link between your sink and your laundry tub. 

To resolve this issue, pour a moderate volume of hot water to clear the drain if there’s any clog. Take care to gradually increase the stream volume down the drain rather than dumping a big volume of hot water once. 

Then refill the P-trap with water. 

  • Remove the clogs in your washer

The drain pipes of your washer are most likely attached to a standpipe that is also wired to your sink’s water supply.

You can check if the standpipe smells like rotten eggs by first disconnecting the drain pipes from it.

If you can perceive the distinctive rotten egg smells, scrub the area around the standpipe with hot, soapy water.

Also, check the pipe’s length for any damage or leaks and either fix them or repair them. 

You may also find a little drain valve in the front of a front-loading washing machine. You should clean the inside of that as well as the outside of it.

If you discover that your washer still has rotten egg smells, run another wash cycle with hot water settings.

If it persists further, you should get professional advice from washer experts on what to do. 

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